Bariloche & Cuesta del Viento
Ask any Argentinean where the windiest spots in his country are and two names inevitably come up: Cuesta del Viento and Bariloche. Surprisingly, both regions aren’t on the Atlantic coast but several-hundred kilometres inland in the mighty Andes. At over 7,500km, the world’s longest mountain chain stretches the entire length of South America. The southern part, at over 3,000km long, forms the natural border between Chile and Argentina with peaks from 3,400m to almost 7,000m. When your guide indicates two points in the mountains on the map at 30° and 41° South, you’ll soon realise the most exceptional surf-trip on the planet awaits...

Spots in Bariloche & Cuesta del Viento
Bahia Serena
Playa Bonita
Bariloche Classic
Varadero Beach
Dina Huapi West
Dina Huapi Rivermouth
Huapi Brazo Huemul
Lago Moreno
Lago Gutierrez
Puerto de Palos
Playa Lamaral
Fincas del Lago
La Isleta