Cape Hatteras
Canadian and American windsurfers discovered this 70-mile long chain of barrier islands in Dare County, North Carolina, in the ’80s. The Outer Banks are just a few hundred meters wide but enjoy persistent Atlantic waves on one side and miles of flat, shallow water on the other. In the 1700s, pirates – most famously Edward Teach, alias Blackbeard – treasured its isolation, providing a hideout from which they could ambush heavily laden ships sailing from the Caribbean. Since the 1500s, treacherous ocean conditions have wrecked hundreds of ships in this ‘Graveyard of the Atlantic’. The Wright Brothers had better luck in 1903, taking advantage of the steady winds for their first successful motorised airplane flights.

Spots in Cape Hatteras
Jockey’s Ridge
Windmill Point
Kitty Hawk Kites Resort
Planet Of The Apes
Ramp 27
Ramp 30
Chimichanga House
Askin’s Creek
Canadian Hole
Vermont Hole
Kite Point
Lighthouse Beach
Frisco NSS Campground
Frisco Woods Campground
The Bath House
The Ferry Docks