Costa de la Luz, Huelva
Beyond Cádiz to the Portuguese border, Costa de la Luz, Huelva 's coastline isn’t just a haven for sun-hungry tourists in identical apartment complexes; dunes and lagoons in protected deltas are a breeding ground for endangered species of birds. The best launches are in these very estuaries – like at the Isla Cristina and Punta Umbría deltas: clean waves break on sandbanks on their ocean side, while there’s particularly good kiting in standing-depth lagoons on the other side. Á la carte surfsports; beginner venues and first-class wave spots within a stone’s throw. It gets windy here when a low crosses the north-west of the Iberian Peninsular – first south, then westerly (Poniente) before turning northerly. South and westerly produce the required swell, and when the wind finally veers north-westerly some breaks host perfect cross-shore wave sessions. The best time for windsports is from September to April. In summer, thermal south-westerly winds blow at a few select beaches, but unfortunately Levante doesn’t extend this far.

Spots in Costa de la Luz, Huelva
Ria de Punta Umbria
La Canaleta
El Portil
La Antilla
Isla Cristina
Isla Canela