Costa Sur
Peru shares the nickname ‘Land of Lefts’ with neighbouring Chile, as groundswell from the Roaring Forties produces primarily left-handers on countless points. Complementing this is prevailing southerly wind, supplied by high pressure over the Pacific and often thermally or topographically strengthened to rideable strengths. A small coastal strip between the Pacific and Andes, the ‘costa’ stretches over 2,500km from the Atacama Desert on the Chilean border to Ecuador. About halfway, 7-million people – a quarter of all Peruvians – live in the capital of Lima. Being the main economic and travel hub makes it a good start to any Peruvian trip. From here there’s a choice: either go north to the longest waves on the globe or south where the wind’s a little more reliable and there’s sheltered flat water beside the breaks. Let’s look south, to Costa Sur...

Spots in Costa Sur
San Andres
La Chancha
Santa Domingo
Laguna Grande
Bahia Independencia
Puerto Caballos