Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo
The coastline of Counties Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo are the real ‘Wild West’ of Ireland. To the west is a whole lot of open ocean and eventually North America. From the surfing mecca of Bundoran to Easky there are probably more world-class reef-breaks than in the rest of the country put together. This area is a treasure-trove for explorers, and for every spot mentioned in these pages there are a handful more world-class breaks to be found. It’s worth the extra miles to check one more bay or look round one more point yourself – go for it, but show the local surfers some respect…

Spots in Donegal, Leitrim, Sligo
Magheroarty Beach
Bloody Foreland
Rosses Point
Dunmoran Strand
West of Dunmoran