Emilia Romagna
The neighbouring province of in Emilia Romagna is one of the richest in Italy, its capital Bologna is said to enjoy the highest quality of life in the whole country. With the coast running almost straight, most Romagnan venues share some common features: wide sandy beaches (that only gradually drop-off, so they’re standing-depth for the first 20 or 30m) fanned by a moderate easterly summer thermal of about 10 to 16 knots. Stronger winds can occur when low-pressure systems sweep through in winter, and you might even find a fun-size beach-break. Most coastal towns are classic holiday resorts, in which you won’t be bored in summer. Though they’ve been striving to attract a higher-class clientele, the party-towns of Rimini and Riccione really see people cut loose (as is reflected in local prices). Neither Cervia nor Milano Marittima is far behind in summer. If you’re planning a trip down here, choosing wintertime’s a better bet anyway when Romagna’s in Dalmatian Bora territory. Most Romagnan beaches score moderate waves in Bora as well as Scirocco, but they break best at Marina di Ravenna’s jetties.

Spots in Emilia Romagna
Bellaria Igea Marina
Milano Marittima
Bacino della Standiana
Punta Marina
Marina di Ravenna
Porto Corsini
Marina Romea
Lido di Spina
Lido di Volano