Ionic Islands
The Ionic Islands mark the convergence of Adriatic and Mediterranean. Throughout their chequered history of Italian, English and Turkish influences, Ionic architecture, food and culture has remained distinct from the characteristic Cycladic cliché encountered elsewhere. Even the land is greener and more abundant on Corfu and Lefkas compared to the Aegean. Like the Mistral in the Adriatic, the north to north-westerly Maestro is generated on the edge of a high in the Western Mediterranean, which seems especially consistent in summertime. In concert with the Maestro, cooler Adriatic waters reach south to noticeably cool the sea temperatures around Corfu during extended periods of wind. While Corfu is still viable, Lefkas maintains its hotspot ranking in the Ionic Sea. Windsurfers are drawn south to Vassiliki where sunny weather boosts any north-westerly airflow via a mountain-valley thermal, making it Western Greece’s most reliable summertime windsurf destination. Meanwhile kiters have established themselves at Milos Beach in the north of the island.

Spots in Ionic Islands
Chalikounas, Corfu
Archaravi, Corfu
Vassiliki, Lefkas
Agios Ioannis, Lefkas