The Philippines consist of over 7,000 islands clustered in three large groups – Luzón in the north, Visayas in the middle and Mindanao in the south. With about 1,000 islands larger than 1km² there’s awesome potential for discovery. While English should get you by in this former US colony, travelling through the tropical archipelago is difficult; the climate is hot and humid, transport by bus or boat time-consuming, communications rudimentary, and the security situation tense. Almost unruffled by the country’s problems, the little holiday island of Boracay in the middle of the archipelago has become a favourite winter destination for the world’s kiters and windsurfers, with reliable monsoon winds and idyllic palm-strewn beaches. There are countless neighbouring islands too, and our scouts have filed the first reports on Luzón’s Pacific coast.

Spots in Philippines
Bulabog Beach
White Beach
Puka Beach
Golf Course
Carabao Island
Seco Island
Cuyo Islands
Roxas city
Bagabas City
Pandawan Lagoon
Mercedes Bay
Calaguas Islands