Strait of Gibraltar, Tarifa
Tarifa– the kite and windsurfing capital of Europe! Incredible wind stats and a chilled-out lifestyle have attracted countless wind-junkies to set up home in this little Andalusian fishing town (Strait of Gibraltar, Tarifa ). There are more windsurf and kitesurf shops along this10km strip than in some whole countries north of the Alps. Two wind systems work alternate shifts: Levante from the east and Poniente from the west. The high mountains bordering the Strait of Gibraltar are the basis for the jet-effect Levante winds, typical windstrengths are in the region of Force 6-8. With stable weather, especially in summer, it can blow for weeks on end. At which point waves can be found over at Caños: Tarifa itself just offers overpowered bump-&-jump. When the Levante packs up, a summer thermal Poniente kicks in – great for kiting or light-wind freeride. The ‘real’ Poniente (west to north-westerly) is actually a low-pressure wind (autumn to spring) that makes every wave-addict smile: strong southerlies bring swell too, but often with lots of rain. Despite being so near Africa, winter temperatures can drop below 10°C for weeks, making the unheated little houses pretty damp and uncomfortable. That said, Tarifa is one of the few genuinely year-round European destinations. Anyone looking for nightlife should definitely visit in summer, when Tarifa’s narrow streets buzz with a real party atmosphere.

Spots in Strait of Gibraltar, Tarifa
Playa Chica
Campo de Futbol
La Charca
Rio Jara
Los Lances
Arte Vida
Hotel Hurricane
Torre de la Peña
Las Dunas
Punta Paloma
Caños de Meca