Zuid Holland
That provides a good excuse for a detour into this famously multi-cultural city. Rembrandt Museum or coffee-shop, canal trip or nightlife, Amsterdam is definitely a must-see. But as boards on the roof-rack will hinder your entrance into secure car-parks and you shouldn’t leave a car unattended, arrange car-pools from the coast or take a train into the city. On the border with Zuid Holland the coast curves slightly to the west, making this stretch perfect for south-westerlies. Other than that, conditions are similar to Noord Holland; wind-dependent beach-breaks that produce huge waves and tidal currents when it’s blowing more than Force 6. Again there’s a choice of different moods: soulful beach-life in Noordwijk, city-beach and a strong surf-scene in Scheveningen, or industrial hustle around the world’s biggest port at places like Hoek van Holland or Maasvlakte. Crossing the Haringvliet to the south is like entering another world. As the refineries of Rotterdam disappear in your rear-view mirror, a weekend trip becomes a short holiday…

Spots in Zuid Holland
Langevelderslag, Noordwijkerhout
Noordwijk aan Zee
Katwijk aan Zee
Ter Heijde / Monster
Hook of Holland
Maasvlakte II Point
Maasvlakte II, Dead Men\'s Point
Maasvlakte Bay
Oostvoornse Meer
Oostvoorne Autostrand